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How Do You End A Five-Paragraph Essay: Good Tips & Examples

Five paragraph essays or hamburger essays have one paragraph as introduction, next three as support and the last as conclusion. Getting a reader to maintain interest till the end and enjoy the essay is an uphill task. Even though the content maybe good but a good ending leaves a mark. As Shakespeare had written “all’s well that ends well” it is true for papers all but it should be read as “nothing is well if it doesn’t end well”. So ending the paper is a skill and trick.

  1. Recap
  2. It is advisable to give a short recap or description of what was written before so that the reader does not miss the important reasoning provided by the writer in support of his views.

    For example- the conclusion of a literacy essay can begin as:

    ‘Summarizing the above mentioned three points first, literacy is a challenge even for developed nations. Secondly, Literacy does not necessarily guarantee logical decisions and lastly, literacy depends on the environment of the person.’

  3. Use quotes
  4. Quotes have always left a good impression in minds of the reader. It leaves an impression that the writer is well read and his views on the subject carry importance. Quotes chosen should be relevant to the topic and not simply out of the blue.

    Continuing with the literacy paper example. A decent quote for a ‘literacy in developing nations’ related essay might be:

    “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” ― Frederick Douglass

    And not:

    “Comics are a gateway drug to literacy.” ― Art Spiegelman

  5. Size of the last paragraph:
  6. The size of concluding paragraph must not be more than 10-15 lines or else it won’t end in a proper note. The concluding lines must be short, simple and crisp. The writer must not make the last paragraph as an extension of the middle paragraphs.

  7. Definite views
  8. The concluding paragraph must not be vague but give a definite conclusion to the essay. The reader must understand the writers view correctly.

    For example (the correct method):

    ‘Given the circumstances explained it is evident that the society includes the government and that government cannot be addressed as a separate entity to tackle literacy. It’s the society which has to take care of their future generation’

    (The wrong method):

    ‘Given the circumstances explained it is evident that the society has to take care of their future generation regardless of the government intervention’

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